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Vaginitis conditions, Symptoms and Treatmentin in London

Vaginitis is a vaginal inflammation that can cause pain, discharge and itching. It is commonly caused by an infection or when there is an imbalance of the naturally existing bacteria in the vagina. These are not the only causes of vaginitis, as certain skin disorders or lower oestrogen levels can also cause this.

There are several types of vaginitis, and the most common are:

  • Trichomoniasis: This is a sexually transmitted infection and is caused by a parasite.
  • Yeast infections: These are commonly caused by candida albicans, which is a naturally existing fungus in the body.
  • Bacterial vaginosis: This happens when there is an overgrowth of the naturally existing bacteria in your vagina, hence disturbing the natural balance.

If you have vaginitis, the prescribed treatment will differ based on your infection type.

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Symptoms of Vaginitis

You may notice the following signs and symptoms if you have vaginitis, including:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Irritation or itching of the vagina
  • Painful urination
  • Change in the odour, colour, or amount of discharge from the vagina
  • Spotting or light vaginal bleeding

If you notice unusual discharge from your bacteria, it might have specific characteristics indicating the type of vaginitis you have. This may include:

  • Trichomoniasis: People with trichomoniasis may notice a greenish-yellow discharge, which may sometimes be frothy.
  • Yeast infections: People with yeast infections may have thick whitish discharge that looks like cottage cheese and may also experience itching.
  • Bacterial vaginosis: People with bacterial vaginosis may notice a greyish-white, foul-odour discharge. It often smells like fish and might be noticed more after sex.

When should I consult a doctor?

If you notice vaginal discomfort, you should visit your healthcare provider, particularly if:

  • You have chills, fever or pain in your pelvis
  • You have itching, discharge or an unpleasant vaginal smell
  • You have previously had vaginal infections
  • You have completed treatment using over-the-counter medications, and the symptoms persist
  • It is your first time having a vaginal infection. Your healthcare practitioner can find out the cause and signs of this infection.
  • You have multiple sexual partners or a new sexual partner. You may have an STI with signs and symptoms similar to bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection.

Wait and see approach if you have vaginitis

You might not need to see your medical professional every time you have a discharge or irritation in your vagina, especially if:

  • You know the common yeast infection symptoms and are sure that is what you have.
  • You have been previously diagnosed with a yeast infection, and the symptoms you are experiencing are the same.

Causes of vaginitis

The cause of vaginitis differs based on the type of vaginitis you have, and they include:

  • Yeast infections: You might experience this when there is an overgrowth of candida albicans in your vagina. This fungus causes infections in moist areas of the body, such as nail beds and folds of the skin or mouth (thrush). It can also cause diaper rash in kids.
  • Bacterial vaginosis: The highest occurrence of vaginitis are as a result of bacterial change in the vagina, disturbing the balance. Some people may have bacterial vaginosis and not show any symptoms. Vaginitis caused by bacterial vaginosis can sometimes be linked to sexual activities, particularly in people with new partners or multiple sexual partners. However, you may notice this type of vaginitis in people who are not sexually active.
  • Trichomoniasis: This is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI), and the organism (trichomonas vaginalis) is transmitted when you have sex with an infected person. Men with trichomoniasis may have a urinary tract infection, but sometimes it may cause no symptoms. In women, the vagina is typically affected, and you may experience certain symptoms. Trichomoniasis also increases the chances of women to get other STIs.
  • Vaginal atrophy (Genitourinary syndrome of menopause): After surgical ovary removal or menopause, women may have reduced oestrogen levels which can cause thinning of the vaginal line, dryness, irritation or burning in the vagina.
  • Non-infectious vaginitis: This might be caused if you use douches, vaginal sprays, perfumed soaps, spermicidal products or scented detergents. These products can lead to irritation of the vulvar and vaginal tissues. Foreign objects, including forgotten tampons or toilet paper in the vagina, can irritate the vagina.

Risk factors associated with vaginitis

The following factors can increase your risk of getting vaginitis, including:

  • Douching
  • Using an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control
  • Sexual activity
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Spermicides for birth control
  • Wearing tight-fitting or damp clothing
  • Hormonal changes associated with menopause, birth control pills or pregnancy
  • Use of antibiotics and steroids
  • Use of hygiene products such as vaginal deodorant, bubble bath, scented tampons

Health complications of vaginitis

People who have bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis may be at greater risk of having sexually transmitted infections due to the inflammations caused by these conditions.

How can I prevent vaginitis?

The most efficient way to prevent vaginitis is always to maintain good hygiene. You can also try the following to avoid recurrence or relive the symptoms including:

  • Avoid irritants: These are things that might irritate the vagina, such as scented tampons, douches, scented soaps or pads. Always rinse out soap from your genitals after a shower and properly dry the area to avoid irritation. Do not use soaps with antibacterial action or deodorant.
  • Avoid hot tubs, scalding baths or whirlpool spas.
  • Practise safe sex: Limit the number of your sexual partners and use a condom.
  • Wear cotton underwear: Only use pantyhose made with cotton crotch. Yeast flourishes in moist areas, so you should consider going to bed without wearing underwear.
  • Avoid douching: Regular showering is adequate for your vagina. Douching frequently can affect the balance of naturally existing organisms in the vagina and increase your risk of vaginal infection. Douching won’t treat a vaginal infection.
  • Don’t wipe from your back to the front after using the toilet: Wiping from back to front helps in spreading bacteria from your anus to your vagina.

Book an appointment

At STI Clinic, our healthcare provider will be excited to provide sexual advice and treatment for your vaginal infection. If you have symptoms of vaginitis or recurring infections, you can reach out to us for a detailed diagnosis. Call us today!