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Vaginal Thrush Testing in London

Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection that happens due to Candida Albicans overgrowth. This yeast infection is a naturally existing yeast in the bowel and vagina and mostly without harm. You may begin to notice symptoms if the number of yeast present in the vagina increases.

Vaginal thrush is not an STI (sexually transmitted infection), as opposed to the common misconception. This infection may occur for several reasons.

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Some of these reasons include

  • Pregnancy
  • Antibiotic use
  • Menstrual cycle change
  • Vulval conditions like eczema
  • Use of oral contraceptive
  • Illnesses like iron deficiency or immune system disorders

Common Vaginal thrush symptoms

  • You may notice burning, itching or discomfort in your vagina
  • Vaginal or vulval redness or swelling
  • White or thick discharge appearing like cottage chees with a yeast-like smell
  • Splits between your genital skin
  • Stinging or burning sensation during sex or urination

How is Vaginal thrush diagnosed?

Your GP might do any of the following:

  • Proper examination of the genitals
  • Get a detailed history of any sign or symptom you might be noticing
  • Taking a swab from the affected area for further analysis.

Vaginal thrush treatment

Once your GP has diagnosed that you have vaginal thrush, they will advise on a suitable treatment plan to help get rid of this infection. They could suggest any of the following.

Oral tablets –

Commonly used is Fluconazole, which is taken by swallowing. This treatment option is a little more expensive compared to the other treatment options and is not suitable for pregnant women. For pregnant women, you might need to consult with your doctor before taking this medication. Also, if you are on other medications, you should inform your doctor about it so you can get the best result from your treatment.

Antifungal cream or vaginal pessaries –

This is used with the aid of a special applicator or inside the vagina. It is commonly applied between 1 to 6 days, but kindly follow your doctor's instructions. You may be required to undergo this treatment option more than once, but repeated topical applications sometimes lead to irritation of the skin.

How can vaginal thrush be prevented?

After your treatment, your doctor will advise you on specific steps to take so as to prevent this infection. Also, you can follow the below steps to prevent infection.

  • Avoid using scented sprays, douches or antiseptic sprays on your genitals
  • Avoid tightly-fitted pants or wearing synthetic underwear
  • Get intimate washes on your genitals to keep them tidy and clean, as soaps are not healthy for direct usage on your genitals
  • Use toilet paper without perfume
  • Only use prescribed menstrual products on your genitals
  • Do not wipe from back to front when you use the toilet, as you can spread the infection from your anus to your vagina.

Vaginal thrush is not pleasant and can also be very uncomfortable, but it can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) medication from your doctor. In some cases, it can prove difficult to treat and may re-occur.

Seek help in London

Reach out to our expert health professional at STI Clinic Uk if you think you might have this vaginal infection. We will be sure to advise you professionally on a suitable treatment plan. Schedule an appointment today!