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Discreet Chlamydia Testing
Discreet Chlamydia Testing in London

Discreet Chlamydia Testing in London

If you are in the UK and looking for a place to carry out accurate and confidential Chlamydia testing, look no further than STI Clinic UK. We are a trusted sexual health clinic providing a wide range of STI tests, including chlamydia testing.

We carry out these tests under safe, conducive and professional conditions. Reach out to us today for comprehensive chlamydia testing for your total well-being.

You can book our services online.


  • Timeframe 72 hours
Sample type
  • Urine

Comprehensive chlamydia testing in London

Trachomatis is the beacteria responsible for chlamydia infections. Chlamydia is a widely spread STI (sexually transmitted infection) in the UK. It is not a gender-specific infection and can affect the reproductive system and lead to other health complications if left untreated.

Why should you undergo chlamydia testing?

Early detection of any STI is essential, and Chlamydia is not left out. The asymptomatic nature of this infection makes it very dangerous and can lead to severe complications such as infertility. Getting tested for Chlamydia in its early stage can help prevent complications or severity resulting from this infection and prompt treatment to ensure general well-being.

When should you go for chlamydia testing?

If you have been recently exposed to an STI or have a partner who tested positive for an STI, getting a chlamydia test would be essential. Regular testing should be a norm for sexually active individuals who meet a new partner, have multiple sexual partners or engage in unprotected sexual intercourse with the new partner.


Chlamydia is commonly asymptomatic, but in some instances, you may notice the following:

  • Unusual discharge from the rectum and genitals
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain while urinating

Step-by-step procedure

Getting ready for the test

You don't need to fast for this test. However, this test uses a urine sample – avoid urinating 2 hours before the test. Also, douching and vaginal creams a day before the test can tamper with the result's accuracy. To have the best results with guaranteed accuracy, follow every instruction given.

During the test

This test is carried out by taking a swab from the area affected. It can also be done through a urine sample. Throughout this process, our healthcare professional will ensure it is seamless and clarify whatever information or guidance you need.

Getting your results

We carry out very confidential testing here in London. Your results will be discussed with you, and advice or guidance on what to do will be provided. In cases where treatment is needed, our professionals will advise you on a suitable treatment plan and provide counselling.

Our STI Testing Packages

We have a wide range of packages to suit every individual, ranging from a series of tests to the types of tests included. Kindly speak to our medical personnel for advice on the most suitable test for you.

Call STI Clinic UK today or send an email to schedule an appointment for your private Chlamydia test. You can also visit us if you suspect you might be at risk or have any of the above symptoms and get tested.


Always have protected sex (use of condoms) and get tested regularly to prevent getting infected with Chlamydia.

The process is painless and fast. You only need a swab of the affected area or a urine sample for this test.

Yes, it can be cured. Your medical practitioner will prescribe antibiotics as they effectively combat this infection.