Cervicitis is a cervix inflammation, which is the narrow, lower part of the uterus opening into the vagina. Some common symptoms of cervicitis include painful sexual intercourse or during a pelvic exam, bleeding during your menstrual periods, and unusual vaginal discharge. However, some individuals might not show any symptoms if they have cervicitis.
Cervicitis is commonly caused by a sexually transmitted infection like gonorrhoea or chlamydia. Also, cervicitis can result from non-infectious causes. It is imperative to address the underlying cause of the inflammation in order to treat cervicitis successfully.
Book us onlineFor the majority of asymptomatic people, you might need to undergo a pelvic examination to learn that you have this condition. While some others may show some of the following signs and symptoms:
You should pay a visit to the doctor if you experience
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Overgrowth of bacteria: you might experience an overgrowth of the bacteria naturally residing in the vagina, commonly known as bacteria vaginosis, thus leading to cervicitis.
STIs (sexually transmitted infections): Most of the viral and bacterial infections that cause cervicitis are sexually transmitted. Some of the common STIs that can cause cervicitis are chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, and trichomoniasis.
Allergic reactions: People who are allergic to things like latex condoms or contraceptive spermicides may experience cervicitis. Also, some common hygiene products like scented toilet paper, feminine deodorants, or douches can be responsible for cervicitis.
There are a lot of things that put you at higher risk of contracting cervicitis. If you have had an STI in the past or started engaging in sex at a tender age, then your chances of having cervicitis are much higher. Also, people who engage in very risky sexual behaviours such as one-night stands, having multiple unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners or other risky behaviours are at a high risk.
The uterus is protected from bacteria and viruses through the help of the cervix, which acts as a wall. When the cervix gets infected, it puts the uterus at risk as infection can pass through. Cervicitis increases the risk of contracting HIV if you have a sexual partner who is infected.
When the infection is caused by chlamydia or gonorrhoea, it can spread through the fallopian tubes and uterine lining, hence leading to PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). Untreated PID infection can lead to fertility problems.
To decrease your risk of getting cervicitis from STIs, make use of condoms whenever you have sex. Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhoea can be prevented through the use of condoms. Being in a committed and exclusive sexual relationship with you and your uninfected partner can reduce your chances of contracting STI or cervicitis.
If you are in London or the environs and notice any symptoms related to cervicitis, do not hesitate to call us STI clinic today to schedule an appointment.