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Private Genital warts Tests
Private Genital warts Tests in London

Private Genital Warts Testing in London

Welcome to STI Clinic UK, where we prioritise your sexual health needs and provide private, discreet and confidential genital warts tests. We have a team of medical health practitioners committed to providing you with a world-class sexual health service and attending to your sexual health concerns.

Our dedicated healthcare professionals ensure you are given adequate support and care throughout the testing period in a safe and comfortable environment.

You can book our services online.


  • Timeframe 1 day
Sample type
  • Blood

Private genital wart testing in London

Genital warts are commonly found in the genital area or anus and appear as skin growths. They are caused by a virus known as Human papillomavirus. This STI (sexually transmitted infection) vary in size and appearance and could be raised, small, large, or flat. If you find anything similar to this around your genitals, kindly get a genital warts test.

Why should you get genital warts testing?

Getting tested for genital warts is vital for so many reasons, including:

  • Early detection can help achieve a more effective treatment
  • It improves your overall peace of mind and sexual health
  • It prevents you from spreading the infection to others

When should you go for a genital warts?

Other than the fact that frequent sexual health testing is very important, you should also go for a test if you were recently exposed or feel you are at risk of exposure to an STI. Get tested if you:

  • Notice bleeding, itching around your genitals or bleeding
  • Notice skin changes, bumps or unusual growths in your genital area
  • Get involved in sexual intercourse without the use of protection or a new partner who has genital warts.

Step-by-step procedure

Getting prepared for the test

Preparation for this procedure is pretty straightforward. Before the test, you will need to inform your healthcare practitioner if you are currently on any medication or creams around your genitals. Make a list of questions you might have as regards your sexual health or symptoms you might be noticing.

During the test

Our healthcare professional will carry out a physical examination to check for signs of genital warts. If necessary, a small tissue sample will be collected to further analyse or get a more accurate outcome. During this procedure, your comfort is prioritised and guaranteed.

Getting the results

Within a few days after the test, your results should be ready. If your test comes out positive for a genital wart infection, we will be sure to discuss the available treatment plans with you and offer advice, support and care. Further advice on how to prevent transmission and effectively manage the symptoms will also be discussed.

Symptoms of Genital Warts

Some genital warts symptoms you might notice include;

  • Bleeding during sexual intercourse
  • Itching of the genitals
  • Discomfort
  • Grey, flesh-coloured swelling around your genitals
  • Warts are concentrated in one area, taking a cauliflower shape.

How are genital warts transmitted?

The spread of genital warts is commonly through skin-to-skin contact during anal, oral and vaginal sexual intercourse with someone infected with the HPV virus.

Our STI Testing Packages

We have a wide range of STI packages to cover your sexual health needs. Our gold and platinum packages are very much alike, except that the platinum package has additional HPV (human papillomavirus) swabs included – with 16, 18 and other risk types.

Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment today with our world-class healthcare professionals at STI Clinic UK to get a genital warts test. We will provide you with a discreet, confidential and accurate result.

Frequently asked questions

The HPV virus responsible for genital warts remains in the body, but genital warts can be treated. With the use of electro-cauterisation, the visible warts can be removed when treated.

Yes, we offer genital wart treatment at STI Clinic UK. All you need to do is book an appointment, and we will have genital warts removed through an effective and proven method. Our gynaecologist carries out this procedure for men and women.

Certain HPV types can lead to cancer, but the strains responsible for genital warts do not. Get tested for genital warts to have peace of mind.

The safest method to prevent this is by getting vaccinated. Also, engage in safe sex practices and get tested if you are getting into a new sexual relationship.

Yes, you should. There are available vaccines to protect you against HPV. Certain HPV strains responsible for cervical cancer and genital warts can be prevented by taking these vaccines.

Schedule an appointment!

If you are at risk of getting infected by HPV or just got a new sexual partner, visit STI Clinic UK and get genital warts testing. Call us, and our medical practitioners will guide you and provide advice, counselling and treatment if necessary.