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Scabies Infestation Testing in London

Scabies is a dermatological condition caused by sarcoptes scabiei. You may experience itching or rashes on your skin if you have this skin disease. It can be quickly passed from one individual to the other when you come in contact with an infected person and is highly infectious. Regardless of their socioeconomic background or lifestyle, this dermatological condition can affect people of all ages.

If a person has Scabies, people in their close circle or closely attached to them might also need to undergo treatment alongside the infected individual. This is due to its highly infectious nature.

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Common area of infestation in people of all ages

  • Armpits
  • In between the fingers
  • The soles of the feet
  • Around the fingernails
  • Male genitalia
  • Waistline
  • Around the nipples in the breast
  • Buttocks
  • Inner elbow
  • Inner parts of the wrist
  • Knees
  • Shoulder blades

Young children and babies may notice this condition in other areas of their body.

  • The palm of the hands
  • Neck
  • Face
  • Scalp
  • Soles of the feet

Common Scabies Symptoms

There are different symptoms that indicate Scabies.

  • Rash

    Mites bore holes into the skin, forming burrow tracks or lines which are found in the folds of the skin. These are slightly similar to pimples, hives, bites, knots or scaly skin patches.

  • Thick crusts

    Norwegian or crusted Scabies are a type of Scabies where the mite eggs or mites are stored in the skin crusts, causing skin symptoms.

  • Itching

    This is a very common symptom of Scabies and can get really bad at night.

  • Sores:

    You will notice this at the point of infestation or when you scratch your skin. Open sores can lead to impetigo, which occurs as a result of secondary infection alongside staphylococcus aureus.

How is Scabies transmitted?

Scabies can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. When they come in contact, the mites operate by crawling from the infested person onto a new person. Also, sharing personal items such as bedding or towels is not advised as this can promote the spread of these mites. Family members and sexual partners can get Scabies through the sharing of personal items. Note that a simple hug or handshake might not cause these mites to spread as they crawl slowly and don’t fly or jump.

When should you visit a doctor?

Once you notice any of the above signs of Scabies in any area of your body, chances are you might have these mites. The best step to take is to get in touch with your medical expert and get the necessary treatment. You will be advised on taking precautionary steps and how to treat it.

Several other dermatological conditions have symptoms similar to Scabies, such as dermatitis or eczema, which causes little bumps or itching on your skin. Your doctor can help with the correct diagnosis of whatever you might be going through and ensure you get appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

Even though over-the-counter medications and bathing might lessen the itching, these practices won’t eliminate Scabies.

Seek help

Reach out to us if you have itching or notice sores similar to scabies infestation, and our medical professional will be able to diagnose the condition and provide the necessary treatment. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment at STI Clinic UK today.